The Power of Animation in Marketing

The Power of Animation in Marketing: Boosting Engagement and Conversion Rates

An increasingly important component of marketers' evolving digital strategies are animation videos. Really though, what's the big deal?

To start with, did you know that among our brand's clientele, animation is currently the fifth most popular choice for a video? It makes up over ten percent of all the videos that 90 Seconds has made so far as per the studies in 2020.


Although the content is king, the quality of your story's execution ultimately determines how well it is told. For example, if it is presented poorly, viewers will quickly get disinterested and less likely to act. Although you can choose from a variety of video formats for your plan, animation is becoming more and more popular in today's widespread media. Animation is shown to be a popular and useful option for everything from TV commercials to product demo videos.

Your marketing and advertising approach can benefit from an effective animation video in a number of ways. First of all, have you realized that humans can digest images 60,000 times quicker than they can text alone? And that 90% of the information that enters our brains is visual? You're probably wishing you could view an animation of all of this information right now. In this situation, animation might assist in condensing complicated concepts or ideas into something that is more manageable. Viewers are then inspired to take action as a result.

The inherent qualities of animation are another factor that makes it unique. Videos with animation are enjoyable, playful, and inherently appealing to a wider range of viewers. They are excellent at drawing in visitors and facilitating a fresh, creative connection. Your chosen audience will find it extremely difficult to forget you and your message as a result.


Are you prepared to begin utilizing animation in your business strategy? These are a few of the most popular animated video kinds from 90 Seconds that you might like to take a look at. Let’s go through each and every model and how they contribute to boosting the client engagement and conversion rates.


Explainer videos are short films that provide clients with a quick explanation of your highlighted good or service. This one should go without saying. Remember that after seeing an explainer video, clients are 64% more likely to buy your goods, so don't undervalue their significance.

The initial goal of explainers is to hold the audience's interest for the brief amount of time that they have. Of course, the kinds of audio and visual media that are employed are crucial. Explainer films frequently incorporate animation elements to enhance relatability and personality.


One of the most widely used presentation formats for Explainer videos is probably infographics. This is particularly true when it comes to how they present intricate data analysis and numbers in an aesthetically pleasing way. Charts and graphs are frequently included in infographic explainers to aid improve reader comprehension.


Product demo videos are another kind of video that is slowly gaining traction. A Product Demo film makes it simple for viewers to comprehend and follow the functions of your product. A strong product demo film persuades viewers of the benefits of the product and how your company differs from the competition.

Integrate animation into live video to increase audience recall of the topic.

Not every animated film needs to be completely animated. Adding animated elements to an otherwise real-world video footage can sometimes make a big impact. Because of its distinctive memorability, this film style frequently guarantees top-of-mind brand awareness.


It's common to underestimate the value of teaser trailers, but they may be a fantastic addition to your future virtual events. A couple of examples of these virtual events include livestreams and webinars.

Additionally, on social media, videos are shared 1200% more frequently than text and image content combined. In this instance, using teasers to promote your virtual event will undoubtedly increase attendance. Additionally, you can use archived video to emphasize the accomplishments of previous events, which can boost current sign-up rates.


Animated Videos are becoming a more and more popular marketing tool, and for good reason. Ultimately, 72% of consumers would prefer to watch an animated video to understand more about a good or service. This highlights the effectiveness of animated videos in your marketing approach while presenting your goods to prospective buyers.

One of the most prevalent aspects of marketing is the employment of advertisements to entice consumers to buy a product. It is even more important for your ads to stand out in the digital world of today in order to guarantee brand and message retention.


Customers are inundated with an excessive amount of content both online and off, which makes it difficult for businesses to stand out and get their attention. Businesses can differentiate themselves from rivals by producing visually exciting and appealing content with the use of animation. This special capacity to create engaging content contributes to the establishment of a distinctive brand identity and increases consumer attraction.

Because of its adaptability, animation may be used on a variety of media and platforms. Animated content works with a variety of widely used platforms, whether it is on your website, TV, or social media. By doing this, you may connect with more people and create excitement and interaction. You can stand out from the competition and successfully convey the story of your business while showcasing the features and advantages of your products by utilizing animation. Effectively communicating the value of high-quality items is essential in today's marketplace, since access to them has become more widespread.

It is no longer only about the quality of your services in the modern economy, where it is easier to obtain high-grade goods. It is essential to communicate their values effectively. A strong technique for communicating the advantages and USPs of your goods or services in an eye-catching way is animation.

Your brand story becomes more captivating, memorable, and emotionally impactful when it is animated. You may create a strong emotional bond with your audience by combining engrossing images, characters, and stories; this bond strengthens brand commitment and promotes consumer loyalty.


We’ve discussed above the popular video formats that you can use with animation to support your marketing plan and how effective those plans are in boosting customer engagements. Whatever animation video format you choose, the key step is to find a good team who can help you create meaningful animation videos at very high quality. Giraf has proven experience in this field, and they have delivered numerous projects in India and abroad. Equipped with a team of qualified experts, Giraf stands tall in the digital marketing industry.